polymorphic virus code

Cependant, ces virus sont dangereux et peuvent détruire votre ordinateur. I have included the class header below, followed by the implementation of the main function which generates the polymorphic code. Updates are released in the form of free software patches for your desktop and laptop computers, but also for your IoT devices. Quelques autres codes source de virus. Cybersecurity policies are a great way to keep staff informed and accountable to company expectations on behaviors and technology usage. In software engineering, it depicts the idea that various kinds can be gotten through a similar interface. Heuristic based solutions examine the actions and activities taken by code running on your system and prevent certain things from happening: for example, encrypting files should never happen and many heuristic programs prevent that helping you avoid a ransomware attack. The full decryptor is built only during the first initialization phase, which makes the virus a slow polymorphic. Our decryption function will take just one parameter: a pointer to the output buffer where the decrypted data will go. Each new polymorphic requires its own detection program. The encrypted data is located just after the end of the decryption routine, and we don't know its address in advance either. They both are capable of changing themselves as they propagate. These viruses repeatedly change their overt characteristics in an attempt to evade and outwit your computer’s defenses and sabotage your system. The prologue of the decryption function is simply the first section of the function, which contains some standard elements like setting up the stack frame and preserving registers. What is a polymorphic virus? Listing 12.Aligning the size of the decryption function to the specified granularity. A Polymorphic Virus is a type of ‘shape-shifting’ virus, producing malicious code that is able to replicate itself with new signatures but identical payloads over and over again. Listing 5.Using FPU instructions to calculate a delta offset address. fugenit.co.za. At the start of the decryption function we will load the encrypted key into regKey, and then decrypt it. Instructions which access memory are faster if the data they read or write is aligned, i.e. Imagine a threat that can adapt to every form of defense you throw at it, a threat that constantly changes to avoid detection, a threat that is relentless. But fast-changing polymorphic malware now makes up an overwhelmingly large percentage of the malware organizations are facing. To enable polymorphic code, the virus has to have a polymorphic engine (also called mutating [...] engine or mutation engine) [...] somewhere in its encrypted body. A Polymorphic Virus is a type of ‘shape-shifting’ virus, producing malicious code that is able to replicate itself with new signatures but identical payloads over and over again. AsmJit makes it possible to create assembly code at the C++ level, as if you were writing it by hand. Of course, the viruses needed to contain decryption routines, and these were quickly added to virus signature databases. In our case the one parameter will be a pointer to the buffer where we will store the decrypted data. The registers used for decryption, for holding a pointer to the encrypted data, and for holding a pointer to the output buffer, will be selected randomly each time the decryption routine is generated. employees are cyber trained and on guard! Also, a mutation engine produces seemingly random programs, any of which can properly perform decryption — and some mutation engines generate … The first known polymorphic virus was called 1260, or V2PX, and it was created in 1990 as part of a research project. We will need to determine its address at runtime, through the use of relative addressing. This threat continues to grow. Imagine a threat that can adapt to every form of defense you throw at it, a threat that constantly changes to avoid detection, a threat that is relentless. There is a wide variety of encryption algorithms available. Listing 6.Generating code for relative addressing. Now that the entire code of the function has been generated, we can write out the encrypted data block, so it will follow the code of the function. Now that you have seen the successive elements of the operation of our polymorphic engine, it's time to bring it all together. Related Terms: Macro Virus, Memory-Resident Virus, Melissa Virus. This approach proved inherently impractical, time-consuming, and costly. Polymorphic malware isn’t new; the first polymorphic virus dates back to 1989. Alignment is also performed for the beginning of loops, using instructions which have the same effect as nop but have a longer binary encoding, such as lea eax,[eax*8+eax+00000000]. Once we know the memory address of this instruction, we can work out the address of anything else in our function. Soon, virus creators developed decryption algorithms whose code was uniquely generated every time, which allowed viruses to be created which could not be detected using static signatures. One of the simplest and best ways to protect your systems from dynamic, changing code is to ensure you have the right type of security solution software in place. Are you doing enough to protect your business? Music video code yet operates with the same functionality. It's important to remember that the memory where the code is found should be allocated with the correct executable flags. Sign up with CyberHoot today and sleep better knowing your. Unlike symmetric encryption algorithms, where a leaked key means anyone can read the message, asymmetric encryption algorithms ensure that only the holder of the private key can decrypt the message. In order to change its physical file composition during each infection, the polymorphic virus encrypts its code and adopts a different encryption key each time. Polymorphic Virus Definition. Our decryption function will use the standard 32-bit processor registers, and will obtain its one parameter from the stack using the stack frame pointer in the EBP register. Education. Before the loop we will initialize the register we have called regSize with the number of blocks which need to be decrypted. Listing 2.Random selection of registers for the decryption function. For instance, our encrypted data is accessed in 32-bit blocks (since we are using 32-bit registers), which means memory addresses should be divisible by 4. By taking the right steps, you can protect yourself from this continually evolving threat. This means that antivirus vendors cannot test their scanner's detection rate efficiently because the infected PC must be … In such cases we cannot refer to parts of the function using absolute memory addresses, because we simply don't know where the function will reside. (You can also recognize an infected file by the string "-----this is silly python virus-----" which is printed whenever the infected program is executed.) Home Information technology Computer program Malware Computer virus Polymorphic code. 13. Listing 19.Decryption function in another variant. This way, traditional security solutions may not easily catch them because they do not use a static, unchanging code. This approach to the delta offset calculation is sometimes used in exploits, e.g. The polymorphic virus is not immune to security. For small blocks of data, this does not create a noticeable difference, but for large buffers the performance reduction can be significant and should be taken into account. Our algorithm will use a randomly generated encryption key, but to prevent the key appearing directly in the code, we will encrypt it with a second, random key. Home > Education > Polymorphic Code. This makes it possible for the function to output extra values. Protect yourself no differently than with Fire, Flood, Errors & Omissions, or car insurance with Cybersecurity Insurance. The function will return the size of the decrypted data. It can constantly create modified versions of itself to avoid detection but retain the same basic program after each infection. These viruses repeatedly change their overt characteristics in an attempt to evade and outwit your computer’s defenses and sabotage your system. divisible by the size of the block of memory being accessed. The first known polymorphic virus (1260) was written by Mark Washburn in 1990. In 1990, a Polymorphic virus named 1260 / V2PX was created for research purposes. Delta offset calculations can rouse the suspicions of antivirus programs, since normal applications do not have a need for this kind of thing. To vary their physical file makeup during each infection, polymorphic viruses encrypt their codes and use different encryption keys every time. Polymorphic capabilities are designed to evade signature-based cybersecurity solutions like antivirus and Anti-Malware. The build routine of the virus is already metamorphic. Un virus polymorphe est un virus informatique qui, lors de sa réplication, modifie sa représentation, ce qui empêche un logiciel antivirus de l'identifier par sa signature. Of course, this didn’t stop there. Gifts, freebies, discount codes & exclusive promotions, Anti-cracking software protection tips & tricks, Software protection programming implementation ideas, Polymorphic Encryption Algorithms — Generating Code Dynamically, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Block_cipher, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stream_cipher, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pretty_Good_Privacy, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/RSA_(algorithm), https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/RSA_Factoring_Challenge, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ElGamal_encryption, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Elliptic_curve_cryptography, http://www.woodmann.com/collaborative/tools/index.php/RSA-Tool_2, http://www.woodmann.com/collaborative/tools/index.php/ECCTool, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Polymorphic_code, http://krebsonsecurity.com/2013/01/polish-takedown-targets-virut-botnet/, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Data_Execution_Prevention, software protection systems against cracking, RSATool, a tool for factoring public keys, Data Execution Prevention (DEP) mechanism, generating spurious instructions, known as, generating white noise – that is, instructions which don't affect the operation of the function (e.g. Polymorphic and metamorphic virus are two types of viruses. Our dynamically generated code can be located anywhere in memory and launched from there (assuming the memory region has the appropriate executable flags set). In this way, it is possible to discover tracing of our code by debuggers including OllyDbg. i want a virus to affect entire LAN computers, please give me code to pass virus to one computer another and attack all computer same time. ... -x-x-x-x- DO NOT RUN ON PRODUCTION MACHINE -x-x-x-x- An ELF virus capable of generating segment padded trojans. Alignment between functions is normally achieved with the 1-byte instruction nop (no-operation) or int3 (an interrupt for the purpose of trapping into a debugger). Another reason for the attraction is that polymorphic code is harder for researchers to pick apart and track down its shifting series of operations. In our case we'll stick with 32-bit code. This is the stark reality of the threat the polymorphic virus poses to your computer systems and personal data. Polymorphic Code Kamran Sharief, 3 months ago 0 . Listing 9.Generating the code of the decryption loop. A polymorphic virus is a complex computer virus that can adapt to the various defenses you impose. If memory addresses are correctly aligned, the data can be stored in the fast memory attached to the processor known as L1 cache. If it has not reached 0, the loop is repeated. Add your article. signature-based identification programs. Have a high-quality heuristic and signature based antivirus solution will give far more comprehensive protection than just signature based or just heuristic based antivirus protection. The encryption of the data will occur in 4-byte blocks. Windows' DEP (Data Execution Prevention) feature will throw an exception if you attempt to call the function. Par conséquent, n’utilisez pas ce virus à des fins malveillantes. Sound simple? A similar technique is also used in debugger detection, where the fnstenv instruction will reveal that the most recently executed FPU instruction is not part of our program, but refers to some other FPU instruction, which is directly or indirectly executed by the debugger. Thanks to this, the library can be used to target code for 32- and 64-bit environments. It has two parts, but one part remains the same with each iteration, which makes the malware a little easier to identify. fugenit.co.za. Code Issues Pull requests Defund the Police. A metamorphic virus simply runs its code and then when propagating itself mutates its code into different but functionally identical code. An interesting alternative for calculating a delta offset address involves the use of the FPU instruction fnstenv, which stores the environment state of the FPU. One virus author even created a tool kit called the “Dark Avenger’s Mutation Engine” (also known as MTE or DAME) for other virus writers to use. Encryption is the most common method to hide code. Imagine a threat that can adapt to every form of defense you throw at it, a threat that constantly changes to avoid detection, a threat that is relentless. Listing 17.Testing the polymorphic engine. In this article, we will cover all the steps necessary to create a simple polymorphic engine, which will serve to encrypt any supplied data, and generate a unique decryption procedure, with the encrypted data embedded within it. Cybercriminals are constantly updating and morphing their virus code. Listing 13.Correcting the address of the encrypted data in previously generated code. • Polymorphic viruses randomly encode or encrypt the program code in a semantics-preserving way. use of a random key. Academic disciplines Business Concepts Crime Culture Economy Education Energy Events Food and drink Geography … That is, the code changes itself each time it runs, but the function of the code will not change at all. Listing 10.Setting up the return value of the decryption function (the size of the decrypted data) as well as any other final values we wish to place in registers. malware malware-research information-security malware-samples malware-development linux-malware malware-sample parasite shellcode-injection elf-virus code-injector infector elf-infector infect-binaries segment-padding … Then let's get to work! Music video code . In order to prevent this, we must generate extra code between these two instructions, and utilize a different means of getting values from the stack. All the above algorithms are extensively documented, and implementations can easily be found for many programming languages. This is the stark reality of the threat the polymorphic virus poses to your computer systems and personal data. The polymorphic engine of the virus implements a build-and-execute code evolution. The use of complex mutation … The return address generated by call delta_offset will refer to the next instruction, in this case pop ebp. In time, polymorphic algorithms evolved and became ever more sophisticated, in order to make it as difficult as possible for antivirus programs to analyze viruses and run them in an emulated environment. For example, 1+3 and 6-2 both achieve the same result while using different values and operations. Each time a file infected with polymorphic virus is executed; it not just replicates itself, but changes the codes. Having generated the entire code of the decryption function, we can now correct any relative addresses used earlier, which in our case is just the address of the encrypted data. Two other polymorphic viruses by the name of Tequila and Maltese Amoeba appeared in … The stack frame is a special region reserved on the stack for holding local variables (if the function needs any) as well as holding the parameters supplied to the function. It is possible to create 32- or 64-bit instructions, and even pseudoinstructions. Listing 14.Place the encrypted data block after the end of the decryption function. This allows someone who has a normal … The epilogue, in other words, the last portion of the function, is where the original value of the EBP register is restored, and if necessary, the sensitive registers ESI EDI EBX, whose state must be preserved across function calls according to the stdcall convention. Antivirus researchers in 2020 determined that 97 percent of newly identified viruses had polymorphic properties. The author, computer researcher Mark Washburn, wanted to demonstrate the limitations of virus scanners at that time. Once in a while I will send a free newsletter with: If you're interested in software protection technologies, cryptography & reverse engineering — give it a try! In addition, attackers use polymorphic code to continuously mutate malware and evade anti-virus detection. Unknown 16 September 2018 at 06:46. A virus replicates by itself and modifies the other programs by inserting its code. The advantage of these algorithms is that they are heavily studied and their strengths and weaknesses are known. Some well-known algorithms included: In most cases, this type of encryption was used in executable file infectors. Listing 1.Pseudocode in C++ for the decryption function that we will generate. Simple polymorphic virus written in Python for the "Malware analysis and Design" Master course in University of Verona Listing 8.Generating initialization code for the regKey register. The data can be smaller than this (it will be rounded up to a multiple of 4). Listing 11.Generating the epilogue of the decryption function. With encrypt Because one polymorphic virus could have hundreds or thousands of variants it makes it more difficult to detect every variant of the virus. Here are two articles on what cyber insurance can cover and some of the challenges it has. I have included two different decryption functions below, both generated by our engine from the same input data. My grades was in a mess, i was not proud of myself, but something needed to be done you know what i mean. Just like its descriptive name, it holds a continuously changing behavior. We take advantage of the fact that this instruction stores a return address on the stack before jumping to a chosen memory address. Help Friends, Family, and Colleagues become more aware and secure. They are used to make it more difficult for an application's code to be analyzed by crackers (i.e. Make sure you install all system and software updates to everything. Just open the .py file in your text editor and remove the virus code lines. Our decryption function will return a value of type DWORD (a 32-bit value corresponding to unsigned int), which indicates the size of the decrypted data. – Each copy of the code is different because of the use of a random key. Share this on your social networks. The RSA company even organized a public challenge to break RSA keys, where the largest prize was $US200,000 for cracking a 2048-bit key. Polymorphism has several meanings in the software world. However, there are a number of asymmetric encryption functions, based on public key infrastructure. Its creator (Mark Washburn) wanted to prove how limited virus scanners were at that time. In the case of polymorphic viruses, however, this decryption module is also modified on each infection. adding a value to a random register and then taking it away again), generating equivalent instructions (code mutations) in various forms, joined by random comparisons and jumps, generating additional helper functions, e.g. CyberHoot comes with built in cybersecurity assessments to help our clients do just this. By building a robust, defense-in-depth cybersecurity program as outlined above, you create an equal playing field where the hackers do not have the upper hand. In order to test out the code, we will encrypt a text string with our engine and then call the generated code of the decryption function. It has the potential to contaminate your data by writing certain malicious codes. detect various sequences of computer code known to be used by a given mutation engine to decrypt a virus body. Virus is one type of malware. Our polymorphic engine allows any set of output registers to be defined (that is, we are not limited to setting the value returned in EAX). In our case, we work out the location of our "encrypted" data by adding the number of bytes between the delta_offset: label and the end of the function. Since the public and private keys are mathematically related, it is theoretically possible to “crack” a public key and obtain the private key, however there are no known practical ways of doing this. In our case we won't bother with this level of optimization. You may have heard of the term "polymorphic virus". Polymorphism in V2PX/1260. 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