[Judy and Nick run out of the subway station, which leads them inside the Natural History Museum, which is closed. Duke is dancing until he sees money from an animal's back pocket. Nick Wilde: [sighs] I don't know where he is, I only saw where he went. Prey fears predators and you stay in power? Stu Hopps: He bit the dickens out of your mother. Monsters, Inc.: Boo Needleman Waxford C.D.A. Yeah, but it's great to have dreams. Through the reflection, she sees Finnick. Bonnie Hopps: What your father means, hun, is that it's gonna be difficult, impossible even, for you to become a police officer. That's what I've been missing! Nick Wilde: [whispered] Where are you going? Hercules: Hades Hercules Megara Zeus Philoctetes Add interesting content and earn coins. You've always got a friend at City Hall, Judy. [adjusts her glasses primly] It's my word against yours. He bared his teeth first! Judy walks up to her and puts her hand on her shoulder. Take this, find my Emmitt. [Judy and Nick run on the branch with Manchas chasing them. Dad! She looks at Nick.]. Nick Wilde: I know everybody. [Judy starts to hand over the gun case over to Bellwether. Cheetah in Sahara Square, got it. On the topic of it, other then because of being . Suspicious, Judy runs across the road, goes up to the parlor and peeks through the window looking for Nick, but she doesn't see him. Male offscreen reporter 1: What do you mean by that? The Black Cauldron: The Horned King She asks for the evidence, presenting herself as being proud of Judy's success, but when Judy questions how Bellwether knew of their whereabouts, the ploy is broken, and Bellwether reveals her true colors by ordering her rams to capture the pair. If you see a way this page can be updated or improved without compromising previous work, please feel free to contribute. [Chief Bogo shows a stunned look], [The ZPD swarm the Asylum. Video Games: Disney Infinity: 3.0 Edition Disney Crossy Road Zootopia: Crime Files Disney Emoji Blitz Disney Heroes: Battle Mode Disney Sorcerer's Arena [takes out the Otterton picture and shows it to Yax. Relieved, Judy walks up to him.] ], [The scenes changes to Mr. Big in Tundratown. [Judy looks at the application that is completely filled out, looks up, sees an angry Nick storming off, tearing off his sticker, and throwing it down on the ground. They take notice and smile at each other. Please hurry! She then has returned to the Academy and hopped over two of her fellow cadets to hop over the iceberg, much to the impression of the Major. Other officers look suspiciously at Nick who is wearing shades, holding a Snarlbucks cup. Then in the ring, she dodges the rhino's punches, pulls back against the ropes and kicks the rhino's hand, making him punch himself, knocking his mouth guard and falls down. [hits Sharla's head]. Dawn Bellwether: [her jaw drops; shocked and dumbfounded] Huh? [smirks] And I also know that somewhere, there's a toy store missing its stuffed animal. Judy is driving and Nick is in the passenger seat holding a pawpsicle.]. It could destroy Zootopia! I gotta get to work. Oliver & Company: Oliver Dodger Tito Rita Francis Einstein I'm looking for a missing mammal; Emmitt Otterton, right here, who may have frequented this establishment? Judy Hopps: [brushes off the donut sprinkles after they fell off the donut] Okay. [While they're waiting, Nick touches the top of Bellwether's wool. Mulan: Fa Mulan Li Shang Shan Yu Mushu They serve as a pivotal element in the 2016 film Zootopia. Judy Hopps: I thought this was just a missing mammal case, but it's way bigger. [Judy is seen up to her knees in cement; Three construction beavers take notice and glare at her. So now, I'll turn things over to the officer who cracked the case, Officer Judy Hopps. She snaps her fingers to one of the rams and points to where she thinks Judy is.] Peter Pan: Peter Pan Captain Hook Judy Hopps: [enthusiasm drops] Oh. What do you think happened? Coco: Miguel Rivera Flash Slothmore: [turns the other way] Hey Judy Hopps: [caught by surprise] Wait, wait, wait! [Judy loses her grip and falls face flat in the mud.]. Instead, Bogo is given a call that Nick has gone savage, and is attacking Judy. [Nick looks at Judy and Chief Bogo, shocked], [Judy reluctantly starts to unclip her badge, until Nick speaks.]. [Fru Fru enters the room; she is revealed to be pregnant.]. Then he starts to feel it.]. Fru Fru looks up and sees Judy holding the donut sign.]. Nick Wilde's voice: [Through carrot pen] two hundred bucks a day, Fluff. Nick? ], Benjamin Clawhauser: Mm-mm-mmm! Big Hero 6: Hiro Hamada Baymax Honey Lemon Wasabi Go Go Tomago Fred She's a cop! How about selling food without a permit, transporting undeclared commerce across borough lines, false advertising Nick Wilde: [shows a certificate] Permit, receipt of declared commerce, and I did not falsely advertise anything. They both have looks of animalistic rage on their faces, but not the wolf, who looks terrified. Why? Judy Hopps: Sir, I'm not just some token bunny. Judy Hopps: [depressed] A dozen carrots. Chief Bogo: Ladies and gentle-mammals, fourteen mammals went missing, and all fourteen have been found by our newest recruit, who will speak to you in a moment. We got it! Two-hundred tickets before noon. It's downstairs. Chief Bogo: Don't give yourself so much credit, Hopps. ], [The scene changes to Fru Fru's wedding. [Judy briefly looks at him with a shocked look on her face, before it turns into one of resignation]. You know, something in their DNA. [they walk up to Flash] Flash, Flash, hundred yard dash! [In her excitement, Judy gives Nick a somewhat forceful punch to the arm and takes the case.]. to each other, two pictures on Judy's wall move up and down as the two yell at each other] Crazy neighbors [flops on the bed with a huge smile] I love it!! Bellwether does not appear to have anything against the chief, but she is seen to purposely ignore him and act as if he does not exist. Rather than subjecting Lionheart to becoming savage, Bellwether instead develops her plot to end so that it impacts Lionheart personally: the latter's title as mayor is stripped, and his positive reputation amongst the citizens is tarnished, thus destroying his most cherished assets while also ensuring her accession. Coming through! He unclenches his hands to reveal a tiny chair. Someone's darting predators with a serum. Nick Wilde: The most feared crime boss in Tundratown. First we need to acknowledge the elephant in the room. Judy Hopps: Well, I don't wanna cause you any trouble, but I believe scooping ice cream with an ungloved trunk is a class-three health code violation. Judy Hopps: Ooh, uh, you probably didn't know, but a bunny can call another bunny cute, but when other animals do it, it's a little Benjamin Clawhauser: [Gasps] I am so sorry! My child, we may be evolved, but deep down, we are still animals. Like Judy Hopps, Bellwether had endured a life of neglect, implied to have repeatedly been at the hands of predator mammals. [Nick opens the door where two polar bears are waiting outside. Judy Hopps: I got dibs! Young Nick briefly winces at the bright light.]. She emerges, freezing.] Angel with horns? The others laugh cruelly.]. Elephant Lady: [pushing Nick from behind] You're holding up the line! When she is arrested, Bellwether sports an orange prison uniform. disney. Bellwether was the assistant mayor to the mighty Mayor Lionheart, whose impatience and intolerance towards even the slightest amount of incompetence often resulted in the former's humiliation. [Nick nods, rolling his eyes. Too fast, hold on! Stu Hopps: [takes out a fox taser] Check this out! [strokes Finnick's head] Gotta be about the worst birthday ever. Long time no see! Judy looks on in shame] We don't just blindly assign blame. Disney Friends Springtime Processional The Woodchuck bully snaps his fingers. Oh, except for this. Her parents are calling her. [chuckles nervously] I'd lose my head if it weren't attached to my neck. [Judy and Nick smile triumphantly.]. [inhales] Officer Judy Hopps, ZPD. Does seeing me fail somehow make you feel better about your own sad, miserable life? [After a moment of pause, Flash slowly types the number on his computer as slow as possible.]. Nick! Mrs. Otterton turns to Judy, who is back in her police uniform and her leg is healed.] Aladdin: Aladdin Jasmine The Sultan Prince Achmed Gazeem Razoul Rajah Iago Abu Genie Jafar Magic Carpet Pink Flamingo Beggar Jafar Golden Scarab Beetle Magic Lamp Snake Charmer Golden Camel Nick is seen on top of a roof, melting the Jumbo-pop on a chimney grate. [jumps on a line of hay and skips]. You can only be what you are. Well, you cant. [Judy holds out her clenched paw for a fist bump. Leodore Lionheart: Okay! [to Judy] Thank you. [Judy in full police uniform, walks up with confidence as her family cheers for her.]. [The two gasp as Bellwether and her rams enter the restricted area. [Finnick slams the door, spits out the pacifier and looks at Nick. [Lowers his voice threateningly] Do you think I might try to [he lunges forward a bit, raising his arms and baring his claws] EAT YOU?! Judy is seen between Frantic Pig and a female leopard, trying to separate the argument]. ], [The scene transitions to Judy and Nick crossing a bridge to a moss-covered house in the Rainforest District]. Young Nick Wilde: [confused] What? [gets her face close to Mr. Big] So intimidate me all you want, I'm gonna find out what you did to that otter if it's the last thing I do. Judy slips and the radio falls out of her hands]. Look inside yourself and recognize that change starts with you. After she and Nick interrogate Duke Weaselton, they discover that a ram named Doug has been going around purchasing night howlers, and using them to create a serum that turns civilized mammals savage. [takes off robe-clothing, revealing a nice suit and tie, and takes out a pen, his voice becomes more confident.] Whatever you're thinking, stop thinking it! Mr. Big: [chuckles, smiling at his daughter, then turns to the polar bears] Ice this weasel. The buildings topple each other like dominoes. [He gets spooked and yelps as a shouting Judy slams the donut on him. There's a savage fox in the Natural History Museum! She reaches for a hidden ketchup bottle and, while still laying on her back, places it upright under her arm and squeezes its contents all over her body while pretending to convulse.] Judy, distraught, follows him.]. We found out what's happening. I stole them Night howlers so I could sell 'em. Nick Wilde: [tastes the blueberry where he's been hit and blows a kiss] Mwah! The Hunchback of Notre Dame: Esmeralda Quasimodo Phoebus [Judy sighs. Female Leopard: [holding up a sign] I'm from the savannah! ], [A third polar bear, Koslov, larger than the others, enters the room and walks to the desk]. Make me an offer! Sharla pops a noisemaker and Judy and Jaguar hold paws] Now, predator and prey live in harmony and every young mammal has multitudinous opportunities. As Flash is about to type the last number, Nick interrupts.]. [chases Nick] All right, slick Nick, youre under arrest. I will take your kindness and pay it forward. [Feels his pockets, then becomes mildly surprised.] Dawn Bellwether: We're on the same team, Judy! Judy Hopps: So that's it? [Judy's face shows fear as her eyes water and her nose twitches]. Nick Wilde: Well, actually, we were brought here against our will, so [laughs nervously; Mr. Big raises an eyebrow slightly] The point is, I-I did not know that it was your car, and I certainly did not know about your daughter's wedding! Mr. Big, Fru Fru, her husband, and several other shrews pose for a picture. We're dead, that's it. Judy Hopps: [whispers] What did you do that made Mr. Big so mad at you? However, Nick never did turn savage, as the serum pellet Bellwether fired was actually a blueberry. Step right up. [With one swift move, Judy leaps down and kicks Woolter off the train and onto the track switch. [Unclips and takes off her badge and puts it on the desk sadly.] Judy Hopps: No. Hits! Woolter tries to open the door. [quickly runs out] It's in Tundratown! Nick Wilde: The kind that needs to be muzzled?! Explore Fanpop. One missing otter! She is the former assistant mayor of Zootopia, the mayor being Leodore Lionheart. Yes, I did. Judy Hopps: [tilts her head slightly] Huh. ], Nick Wilde: Carrots? [the reporters take note, Nick approves]. However, it was later revealed that Nick never went savage because they swapped the night howler darts with blueberries and Judy recorded Bellwether's confession. Shake your tails with me, come on! ], Dawn Bellwether: Officer Hopps! [with a light chuckle of relief, she rushes over to hug Judy] Bless you, bless you little bunny! Judy Hopps: I hope so. [Nick grunts as he moves the throttle forward to increase the train's speed. How're we doing? We don't know why these attacks keep happening, but it is irresponsible to label all predators as savages. Assistant Mayor Dawn Bellwether They walk up to a yak named Yax meditating behind his desk. When Judy and Nick go to Bellwether for assistance, she happily helps them. Bellwether and her ram henchman raise their arms in defeat and fear. Zootopia Club Join New Post. Meanwhile, Woolter manages to toss Judy to the top of train, where she narrowly misses being hit by a signal light. Dr. Madge Honey Badger: Sir, you need to go. Officer Hopps, I am in pursuit! Great! Judy Hopps: Ha-ha-ho No. Judy Hopps: I just stated the facts of the case. We just need to get into the traffic cam database. Let's go! Oh no, are you kidding me? Chief Bogo: All right, all right, enough. With Lionheart finally removed from office, Bellwether becomes the new Mayor of Zootopia (much to her delight), but the savage predators remain detained, as no one has figured out the cause behind their strange behavior. Greatest singer of our lifetime? The - the, there's Benjamin Clawhauser: Where? In prison, Lionheart reads Fancy Cat Magazine. Hopps? Move It! It is revealed that the "jungle" is really a stage in an auditorium, and as for the hunting, Jaguar, in a tiger costume, is pretending to pounce on a young Judy Hopps, who is wearing gray and white clothes that match her fur.]. Agent Mike Wazowski Celia Mae Flint Mr. Waternoose James P. Sullivan Randall Boggs Roz Phlegm Charlie Simulation Kid Garbage Cube Harley Spike Peter Pan: Peter Pan Tinker Bell Wendy Darling John Darling Michael Darling Captain Hook Mr Smee Nana Tick Tock Tiger Lily I'm not in the system yet. Judy Hopps: [laughs nervously] I should get to roll call, so which way do I-. Lives in the Rainforest District. I didn't get a chance to mention you or say anything about how we-. You're not that kind of predator. Nick Wilde: Did you just boot my stroller? She was the one who made the night howler serum that caused the animals going savage. And that dream of becoming a big-city cop? ], Judy Hopps & Nick Wilde: Run! Nick Wilde: [in mock surprise] What, are you saying that because he's a sloth he can't be fast? Judy groans in disgust, holds it arm length out, and lets it fall into the trash. But watch out, 'cause I'm a fox, and like you said in your dumb little stage play, us predators used to eat prey! We cannot keep it a secret; we need to come forward! Nick Wilde: [whispering happily] So fluffy! They're all here! He sighs begrudgingly. [Chief Bogo face palms, annoyed, grunting; to Judy] All right, well, I'd say the case is in good hands. Haven't seen him in a couple of weeks. Jerry Jumbeaux, Jr.: What are you talkin' about? Comprised of habitat neighborhoods like ritzy Sahara Square and frigid Tundratown, it's a melting pot where no matter what you are, from the biggest elephant to the smallest shrew, you can be anything. You're gonna have to master all of them before you hit the streets or guess what? ], Mrs. Otterton: [happily and gratefully] Oh, thank you! How about we go up to Chuck in traffic central? [The suspense turns into excitement; officers around Francine get involved in a tussle], Officer Francine: Heh, oh yeah? They are delicious, you should try some. Doug: You got Doug here. Stu Hopps: Ho-ho! [The scene transits to Cliffside Asylum. [Manchas leaps on the bridge, flinging Judy and Nick in the air, until they reach the end of the bridge] Jump! The scene shows an overshot of Savanna Central. [places a Zootopia Police sticker on Finnick] Anyone can be anything. Judy Hopps: Oh no, my treat. How was your first day on the force? I wish I could've helped more! ], Scene 22: The Chase in the Rainforest District, Scene 34: Judy and Nick Question Duke Weaselton. Pirates of the Caribbean: Jack Sparrow Will Turner Elizabeth Swann Joshamee Gibbs Tia Dalma James Norrington Marty Cotton Bootstrap Bill Turner Pintel Ragetti Angelica Blackbeard Prison Dog Maccus Davy Jones Helmsman Philip Swift Syrena Captain Salazar Ghost Lesaro Shansa Henry Turner Carina Smyth The Redhead Murtogg Mullroy Treasure Chest Stray Cat Tiny Pirate With Pigs Ghost Shark Ghost Seagull Auctioneer Mr. Big: Hmm. Although, her ulterior motives might shed a different light on this eagerness to have a small prey mammal on the case. Oh, geez [The continually increasing population, as shown by the Bunnyburrow sign, decreases by one as the train leaves. To do so, she allied herself with rams who shared her sentiments and used flowers known as "night howlers" to create a chemical drug capable of turning civilized mammals savage. Pawpsicle Clawhauser: [taking the straw out of his mouth] The murder weapon Judy Hopps: [to herself] "Get your pawpsicle". Thousands of years ago, these were the forces that ruled our world. Mulan: Mulan Yao, Ling, and Chien Po Fa Li Fa Zhou Hayabusa Khan Cri-Kee Little Brother Mushu Shan Yu Captain Li Shang The Emperor of China The Matchmaker General Li Grandmother Fa First Ancestor Fa Chi-Fu Great Stone Dragon Judy Hopps: [agitated, stops banging her head] Sir, if you have a grievance, you may contest your citation in traffic court. [The scene changes to Nick pushing Finnick in a stroller, who sleeps and snores. Angered at this failure, Bellwether, having framed Lionheart, threatens to frame Nick and Judy as well, claiming that it's "her word against theirs". Now, I'm going to open this door and you're going to tell that otter you're a former meter maid with delusions of grandeur [as he speaks, Judy lifts her arms in exasperation] who will not be taking the case. Gazelle: [On a video billboard] I'm Gazelle. Yes, very funny, very funny. The employee drops the ice cream, wipes his trunk on his apron, and sheepishly walks out.] Judy hits the pedal and they chase after the car. Judy Hopps: [sticks out her tongue] Bleugh! [The scene changes to an alley where Duke is selling DVDs], Duke Weaselton: Ha-ha! Wow, this is a lot of great info, thank you. Let's see those teeth! Sharla and Jaguar hold up a banner reading "where anyone can be anything"; Bobby plays the piano in the background.] And there ain't nothing you can do to make me. [Nick seems amazed at Nangi's flexibility and looks at Judy's notes, and briefly nods]. [sees Bucky and Pronk Oryx-Antlerson walking past her] Oh, hi! Don't do this; fight it! Young Judy Hopps: Ahh! Gazelle: [interviewed] Zootopia is a unique place. Phineas and Ferb: Perry Nick Wilde: [whispering happily] So fluffy! He taunts Judy. assistant. Judy Hopps: [shouting] Speed up, Nick, speed up! Judy sighs in shame] Yeah, don't think I didn't notice that little item the first time we met. Chief Bogo: Your job is putting tickets on parked cars! Judy Hopps: I won't let you down. Some of the smaller rabbits are clapping.]. Because if so, there's no shame in calling it quits. [takes pictures of the equipment], Nick Wilde: [nervous] Carrots. [the van drives out through the tunnel]. My shop! [Nick looks at Manchas's file. Some mice run away as Duke enters through the hole and catches the bag. [Clawhauser looks out from his desk and sees Judy] Hi! [Judy and Nick show looks of concern. [Nick's smile drops, flabbergasted, and his eyes widen as Judy writes] Yeeaah two hundred dollars a day, three hundred and sixty-five days a year since you were twelve, that's two decades, so times twenty which is one million four hundred sixty thousand - I think. Judy Hopps: It is possible, so we must be vigilant, and we at the ZPD are prepared and are here to protect you. Bonnie Hopps: Yeah, Terry ate one whole when we were kids and went completely nuts. [crosses the street as wildebeest cross] You cant touch me, Carrots. [Manchas stops convulsing and turns to them growling with his teeth bared, and pupils now slits] Run. Run! Judy Hopps: Hm. ], Jaguar: [slightly monotone from nervousness] I don't have to be a lonely hunter anymore. Judy's brothers and sisters cheer, Bonnie and Stu look at each other in concern, clapping slowly.]. Major Friedkin: Scorching sandstorm! Duke Weaselton! Judy Hopps: Um, uh, you didn't happen to catch the license plate number did you? This, aside from gaining power and recognition for herself, was her main motivation for her plot to take over Zootopia. 'Cause I've got a dozen and a half animals here who've gone off the rails crazy, and you can't tell me why! Would it be premature for me to do a little victory toot-toot? Dawn Bellwether (also formerly known as Assistant Mayor Bellwether and Mayor Bellwether, and simply known by her surname Bellwether) is the main antagonist of Disney's 55th full-length animated feature film Zootopia (or Zootropolis in European regions). Lionheart, seeming more aggressive than usual, coldly orders Bellwether to take care of the matters herself, and to cancel his afternoon, as he needs to run out for confidential matters. Finding Nemo: Gerald Marlin Nemo Hank Dory [Pulls the donut out of his neck fat] Oh, there you went, you little dickens! Before noon! [looks down, shaking his head slightly] A skunk butt rug. Dumbo: Dumbo She turns the other way and sees Nick walking away]. Heh. Bellwether is arrested along with her accomplices and is sent to prison. Yeah, I know they're fast, I can hit 'em. Judy winces and groans.] [he raises his arms in a fake "crazy" way] Do you think I might go "savage"? He breaks down in tears and begins to sob quietly, sitting down and rubbing his eyes.]. SET-UP: The recording carrot pen will be important in both the bridge scene and the final climax. Judy! That's the truth. [Later, Judy opens a box revealing a badge. A few seconds later, she goes back in and grabs the repellent. Three hundred and sixty-five days a year since I was twelve. [The light changes to green and before they can move, a red car with tinted windows zooms past them. [Judy looks at him] I think I was eight or maybe nine, and all I wanted to do was join the Junior Ranger Scouts. Among them are an elephant who trumpets while spraying some water in the air, an antelope who is relaxing, a bear who has his/her rear end in the air, a zebra splashing some water on his/her face, a moose floating in an inner tube, and a panther laying in the water. Think of it - 90% of the population united against a common enemy. Yeah. Just then, Lionheart pages Bellwether, aggressively scolding her for failing to cancel his afternoon. Chief Bogo exits bringing Mayor Lionheart in handcuffs with Judy walking beside them. You can't speak if you're a mime! Oh, look at that smile [Finnick smiles through the costume], that's a happy birthday smile! She is a mime! Judy shows an excited look and looks at Nick who grins. Of course I can let you off with a warning if you glove those trunks and, I don't know, finish selling this nice dad and his son a [to Nick, whispered] What was it? As the song ends, a video of Gazelle is played on a billboard.]. [annoyed, Judy turns off her light, opens the door and looks around. [Clawhauser answers his microphone and gets startled by Judy's yelling. Chief Bogo: They appear to be in good health, physically, if not emotionally. Nick Wilde: What? Photo of zootopia judy hopps nick wilde assistant mayor bellwether for fans of Zootopia 39638105. Bellwether tries to get Judy to surrender.]. Judy covers her mouth and Nick seems to be enjoying Judy's horrified reaction. You're gonna have to be patient and wait in line just like everyone else, Mrs. Otterton, okay? Judy Hopps: I am not a dumb bunny. Judy Hopps: Oh, wait. Young Judy Hopps: Well, he was right about one thing: [Judy picks up her officer hat off the ground and puts it back on, as determination spreads rapidly across her face.] ], Chief Bogo: Abandoning your post, inciting a scurry, reckless endangerment of rodents but - to be fair - you did stop a master criminal from stealing two-dozen moldy onions. Even though he is stuck, he immediately tries to grab Judy. [Cut to Bonnie and Stu's point of view. Cut through the Natural History Museum! A pig lady next to him is disgusted by his smell. Bellwether then shoots Nick with a night howler dart, in order to make him go savage so he will kill Judy. To help her, she partners with a con artist fox named Nick Wilde, even though he makes the job harder. 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