wisteria floribunda 'royal purple

WISTERIA floribunda 'Royal Purple' ('Black Dragon') WISTERIA floribunda 'Royal Purple' ('Black Dragon') Questa pagina mostra il dettaglio del prodotto. Oct 17, 2017 - Among the darkest purple Wisteria cultivars, award-winning Wisteria floribunda 'Royal Purple' (Japanese Wisteria) produces stunning tresses of sweetly scented, pea-like violet flowers, up to 20 in. wisteria floribunda royal purple | innocenti & mangoni piante WISTERIA FLORIBUNDA ROYAL PURPLE Fleurs d’un bleu-violet foncé peu parfumées en grappes de … Add Wisteria Floribunda Royal Purple to wishlist; Pin It. I JavaScript sembrano essere disabilitati nel tuo browser. Sweetly scented with good autumn foliage. This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. Item code: 9328973002106. The abundant seeded pods are 5-10″ long. Japanese wisteria (W. floribunda) comes from Japan and has the longest flower panicles on average of all the wisterias. Stay Connected * Email. Enjoy the beauty of a whimsical wisteria plant in your favourite outdoor space. PRESS/NEWS. Wisteria floribunda Black Dragon (or Royal Purple). Royal Purple is the darkest purple of all single-flowering wisterias! Wisteria floribunda "Royal Purple". Common name: Japanese lilac wisteria shrub Alternative name: Wisteria floribunda Macrobotrys Great for: Summer and autumn interest, climbing up a support Awards: RHS Award of Garden Merit Height and spread in 20 years: 8 x 8 metres Flowers: Recemes of lilac flowers followed by green seed pods Foliage: Green, pinnate leaves in spring, lasting throughout the summer … long , on a plant that flowers early in the season and when it is quite young . Growing to 9 m (30 ft), it is a woody, deciduous twining climber.It was brought from Japan to the United States in the 1830s. Join now. Wisteria floribunda 'Royal Purple' Japanese wisteria 'Royal Purple' Join the RHS today and get 12 months for the price of 9. Sent without pot, roots wrapped in moist media during dormancy and in the container with soil during summer. Royal Purple requires very low maintenance and only needs an occasional prune if you wish to keep its size small. When flowers are done a velvety, pendant style seed pod develops. The air-conditioned accommodation is equipped with a kitchen. The flowers are sweetly scented and the foliage is shiny and narrow . Wisteria floribunda Royal Purple (also known as single Black Dragon)- Dark purple-violet flowered. Utilizziamo cookies, anche di parti terze, per inviarti pubblicità e servizi in linea con le tue preferenze. Foglie strette, acuminate, di color verde scuro intenso. In fall, the leaves will be a clear yellow. Notes: Tags: Fioritura in racemi color viola-blu. Grafted Wisteria White 2L 60-70cm on canes £19.99. Wisteria floribunda ‘Royal Purple’ produces tresses of long pea-like flowers which bloom in late spring up until the early summer months. Wisteria floribunda 'Royal Purple' Japanese wisteria 'Royal Purple' Join the RHS today and get 12 months for the price of 9. Wisteria floribunda Le spedizioni sono attive fino al 14/12, riprenderanno il 18/01/2021. Find the perfect wisteria floribunda purple stock photo. Long flowers can reach 20in (50cm). This item is no longer available-Qty + Add to Cart. Le foglie sono grandi e si colorano di giallo oro in autunno. It is hardy to zone (UK) 4. long (50 cm). Log in to view prices The standard is violet with a yellow blotch in the middle. Potrai comunque effettuare il tuo ordine. Azienda Agricola Priola via delle Acquette, 4 - 31100 Treviso (Treviso) - Italia - P.Iva 00654850262 -. Stay Connected. Flowers are scented and the leaves give good rusty golden Autumn colour. Proseguendo accetterai le condizioni privacy di questo sito. L' infiorescenza di Wisteria floribunda è la più appariscente di tutto il genere Wisteria, con racemi di fiori particolarmente lunghi che possono raggiungere anche i 40 cm (in particolare nella varietà Lilac Rose). Wisteria floribunda Royal Purple (Wisteria Royal Purple) * Full sun to part shade * Zone 6-9 * 30 ft tall Produces loads of sweetly perfumed elongated deep violet flower racemes 16 to 24 inches long!!! Questo sito utilizza cookies per assicurare un’eccellente esperienza di navigazione ai propri utenti e per raccogliere informazioni sull’utilizzo del sito stesso. < Prec. 2 Search Results. An unusual climber, Wisteria floribunda 'Royal Purple has long racemes of exquisite, perfumed, purple flowers in early summer. Royal Purple Japanese Wisteria Wisteria floribunda ‘Royal Purple’ has slender, deep violet flower clusters 15-20″ long. Bellissima varietà di Glicine floribunda dai grappoli lunghi fino a 35/40 cm color porpora-blu scuro profumati, che compaiono sulla pianta dalla seconda metà di aprile sino alla prima di maggio. Wisteria floribunda rosea ‘Pink Wisteria’ ... Wisteria Royal Purple 20cm $ 39.95 Add to cart. WISTERIA FLORIBUNDA ROYAL PURPLE Fiori blu-violetto scuro poco profumati in grappoli lunghi 30-50 cm, radi e molto eleganti. Not black as the name suggests, but rich deep purple. Fioritura un po’ tardiva Wisteria floribunda ‘Ito Koku Ryu’ (o ‘Royal Purple’) : presenta grappoli lunghi 30-50 cm formati da fiori color porpora blu molto scuro e ben profumati. Royal Purple Wisteria has attractive green foliage on quick growing, twining stems. WISTERIA floribunda 'Royal Purple' ('Black Dragon') WISTERIA floribunda 'Royal Purple' ('Black Dragon') This page shows the product details. Send by email Printer-friendly version. A popular plant for training along wires or up trellis against a sunny house wall or fence and Wisteria floribunda 'Royal Purple' is also extremely attractive when grown through established trees or shrubs! WISTERIA FLORIBUNDA ROYAL PURPLE. Long, bright green, pinnate leaves. Join now. 164k members in the Bonsai community. Wisteria floribunda (common name Japanese wisteria) is a species of flowering plant in the pea family Fabaceae, native to Japan and Korea. long (50 cm). Wisteria floribunda 'Royal Purple' The … Wisteria floribunda 'Royal purple ' One of the darkest purple cultivars. Height: 6-8′ Spread: 6-8′ Zone: 5. In fall, the leaves will be … La Wisteria, comunemente conosciuta con il nome di Glicine, è un arbusto rampicante, rustico e vigoroso, di notevole sviluppo. Noteworthy Characteristics. Photo by: Garden World Images Ltd / Alamy Stock Photo. Su ogni pedicello, la pianta porta 60-80 singoli fiori. Innocenti & Mangoni Piante S.S. Drooping clusters of fragrant, pea-like purple flowers in May. Wisteria floribunda ‘Eranthema’: Grappoli molto eleganti lunghi fino a 50 cm e formati da singoli fiori blu molto chiaro nelle ali e blu più intenso nella carena. Wisteria floribunda Rosea ( or Honka). Prodotti taggati con WISTERIA FLORIBUNDA ROYAL PURPLE. I grappoli fioriti sono composti da numerosi fiorellini (120-140 per grappolo) di colore bianco puro.La fioritura è tardiva ed inizia dopo il terzo-quarto anno dall'innesto. Royal Purple is amongst the darkest of the purple cultivars; this hardy Wisteria is a fast grower so it’s ideal for covering pergolas or arbours and providing much needed shade over the Summer months. (Fabaceae) floribunda DC. It is perfect for embellishing walls, gates, fences and railings. Wisteria floribunda 'Royal Purple' è un Arbusto come esposizione preferisce il Sole - Mezzombra il fiore è viola-blu scuro appartiene alla famiglia delle Papilionaceae il suo periodo di fioritura è maggio - settembre raggiunge un'altezza massima di 350 - 400 gli accostamenti preferiti sono con per avere un buon risultato deve essere piantata con una densità di 1 piantine al m2. 'Royal Purple' Nursery Availability 1 - 2 of 2. Wisteria floribunda 'Royal Purple', Wisteria floribunda 'Kokuryu', Japanese wisteria 'Black Dragon' Genus. Wisteria floribunda is a deciduous Climber growing to 8 m (26ft) by 8 m (26ft) at a medium rate. Fragrant Royal Purple Wisteria Vine - 5 Gallon Pot; Winner of the prestigious Award of Garden Merit by the Royal Horticulture Society, Royal Purple is the most fragrant and has the darkest purple flowers of all Wisteria. Apr 27, 2020 - Among the darkest purple Wisteria cultivars, award-winning Wisteria floribunda 'Royal Purple' (Japanese Wisteria) produces stunning tresses of sweetly scented, pea-like violet flowers, up to 20 in. It is a heavy and reliable flowerer in early Spring. : +39 0422 304096 Fax: +39 0422 1523085 email: info@priola.it, Rimani aggiornato tramite i nostri social network, Scopri le novità di quest'anno, scarica adesso il nostro catalogo gratuito. Fiori blu violetto scuro poco profumati. WISTERIA floribunda ROYAL PURPLE Very dark purple large racemes , up to 50cm. After flowering it produces attractive, bean like pods which ripen in late summer and stay throughout winter.” London Wisteria Co. Visit londonwisteria.co.uk. Details/Description: Grafted tree form with fragrant purple flowers. Wholesale; Nursery Name City State / Province ; Ekstrom Nursery, Inc. Gresham : Oregon : Ekstrom Nursery, Inc. Hanno foglie alterne, pennate, da verde a verde scuro, composte da … All wisteria can be propagated from cuttings taken in early summer. It was brought from Japan to the United States in the 1830s. Inizia a fiorire dopo il 3°/ 4° anno. Wisteria floribunda ‘Royal Purple’ has slender, deep violet flower clusters 15-20″ long. Royal Purple Wisteria are drought tolerant and can be grown as a vine or upright as a tree. Presenta grappoli ben più lunghi di ‘Alba’, fino a 60 cm, densi, di un bel bianco puro con una piccola sfumatura porpora sulla carena e intensamente profumati. Wisteria floribunda (common name Japanese wisteria) is a species of flowering plant in the pea family Fabaceae, native to Japan and Korea. Royal Purple produces Flower that are sweetly scented and a deep violet colour. Ficus Creeping Fig 13cm $ 11.75 Add to cart. Racemes can grow up to 50 cm. dal lunedì al venerdì 09:00-12:30 e 14:30-18:30, Controlla gli articoli da aggiungere al carrello oppure. Zones: 5-9. This variety is a vigorous climber. WISTERIA FLORIBUNDA ROYAL PURPLE Genere che comprende numerose specie di rampicanti legnose, decidue, presenti nei boschi umidi e sulle rive dei corsi dacqua della Cina, della Corea e del Giappone. Pianta di media vigoria. Since then, it has become one of the most highly romanticized flowering garden plants. Bellissima varietà di Glicine floribunda dai grappoli lunghi fino a 35/40 cm color porpora-blu scuro profumati, che compaiono sulla pianta dalla seconda metà di aprile sino alla prima di maggio. Piante da interni - Piante da appartamento, Wisteria floribunda Ito Koku Riu- Royal Purple. Name: WISTERIA floribunda ‘Royal Purple’ Common name(s): Royal Purple Tree Wisteria. Wisteria Floribunda ‘Royal Purple’ This is one of the darkest purple wisteria cultivars that is famous for its spectacular tresses of sweet-scented violet flowers. > Famiglia: Leguminosae Origine: Orticola (Giappone) Modalità di arrampicamento: Fusto volubile Dimensioni e crescità: Fino a 20 m. di altezza. Gallery. Vines need to be trained for the first 3 years to establish, then require annual […] It is perfect for embellishing walls, gates, fences and railings. Wisteria floribunda ‘Royal purple’, also Japanese, is loved for its deep purple, sweetly scented pea-like flowers in late spring. Wisteria floribunda 'Royal Purple' Scientific Name: Wisteria Nutt. No need to register, buy now! Wisteria floribunda 'Royal Purple' Wisteria floribunda 'Royal Purple' Leaf: Wisteria floribunda 'Royal Purple… Wisteria floribunda ‘Royal Purple’ produces tresses of long pea-like flowers which bloom in late spring up until the early summer months. Wisteria Floribunda "Royal Purple" Royal Purple produces Flower that are sweetly scented and a deep violet colour. It makes a superb tub specimen . At the bottom of the page the size of the product is displayed, which can also be filtered by Type/Form and Pot/Clump. Variety or Cultivar 'Black Dragon' _ 'Black Dragon' is a vigorous, deciduous climber with palmate, mid-green leaves divide into ovate to lance-shaped leaflets, pale green when young and turning yellow in autumn. Igen alkalmas pergolák, épületek falainak, vagy fák befuttatására. 'Wisteria floribunda Royal Purple' (also known as single Black Dragon) – Features lightly scented, dark purple-violet flowers and abundant fall foliage.. How to Plant Japanese Wisteria The best time to plant Wisteria is in the fall or spring – before or after summer blooms appear. Wisteria floribunda Longissima Alba Wisteria floribunda Rosea Wisteria floribunda Royal Purple Wisteria frutescens Longwood Purple Wisteria sinensis Wings and keel are darker purple. Blooming in late spring or early summer, the flowers are followed by attractive, bean-like pods, which ripen in late summer and may persist into winter. Wisteria floribunda 'Royal Purple' (Japanese Wisteria) Among the darkest purple Wisteria cultivars, award-winning Wisteria floribunda 'Royal Purple' (Japanese Wisteria) produces stunning tresses of sweetly scented, pea-like violet flowers, up to 20 in. Their flowers have a sweet fragrance and can extend up to 25 – 40cm long! Lightly scented. Wisteria floribunda Macrobotrys (or Kyushaku). Quick View. Feb 25, 2020 - Among the darkest purple Wisteria cultivars, award-winning Wisteria floribunda 'Royal Purple' (Japanese Wisteria) produces stunning tresses of sweetly scented, pea-like violet flowers, up to 20 in. Royal Purple Wisteria has a stunning Spring display of 10-16 inch racemes bear deep violet flowers with a nice blotch of yellow in the center. It is in flower from June to July, and the seeds ripen from September to October. L’epoca di fioritura è più tardiva rispetto alla varietà sinensis. In basso è possibile visualizzare le misure del prodotto, anch'esse filtrabili per 'Tipo/Forma' e 'Vaso/Zolla'. Royal Purple requires very low maintenance and only needs an occasional prune if you wish to keep its size small. Highly suggestable size and shape depends on … Una delle più belle varietà di glicine. Continuando a navigare su questo sito, accetti l’utilizzo dei cookie, il cui scopo è quello di fornire analisi web e misure del traffico dei visitatori e del comportamento di navigazione, definire servizi personalizzati e offerte su misura. This variety is a vigorous climber. Their flowers have a sweet fragrance and can extend up to 25 – 40cm long! L'esemplare adulto misura mt. Growing to 9 m (30 ft), it is a woody, deciduous twining climber. 🏡 Di antara kultivar wisteria ungu yang tergelap, wisteria floribunda pemenang penghargaan 'royal purple' (wisteria jepang) menghasilkan tresses yang menakjubkan dari wangi, bunga violet seperti kacang, panjang hingga 20 cm (50 cm). 12 votes, 19 comments. Hai bisogno di aiuto? Wisteria russelliana Wisteria × formosa Wisteria floribunda. 25 – 30 di lunghezza. Per una migliore esperienza sul nostro sito, assicurati di attivare i javascript nel tuo browser. La pianta di Wisteria floribunda “Royal Purple” conosciuta anche come Glicine, è un arbusto rampicante, che produce lunghi grappoli (fino a 30-50 cm) con fiori di colore porpora/blu molto scuro, leggermente profumati, che fioriscono in primavera. It is not a rampant grower and is easy to keep in bounds . When Wisteria floribunda 'Royal Purple' has been observed flowering at Longwood Gardens : AVE. 2018: 2017: 2016: 2015: 2014: 2013: 2012: 2011: 2010: 2009 ^Top of Page. Genus Wisteria are vigorous woody climbers with twining stems bearing pinnate leaves and long pendulous racemes of fragrant pea-like flowers in spring and early summer Details W. floribunda is a vigorous deciduous climber with pinnate leaves and, in early summer, fragrant, pea-like, violet-blue, pink or white flowers in racemes to 30cm or longer There is some controversy surrounding the origin of the name Wisteria (also spelt wistaria or wysteria). It is sweetly scented and blooms early in spring. Zones: 4-9. long (50 cm). About; Wisteria floribunda ‘Longissima Alba’ Bellissima varietà,conosciuta in giappone da più di 500 anni con il nome ‘Shiro Noda’. You will receive plant similar to the ones on the pictures. Chinese Wisteria (W. sinensis) twines anti-clockwise, whereas Japanese Wisteria (W. floribunda) twines clockwise. Tags: wisteria floribunda royal purple, prezzo glicine royal purple, costo wisteria royal purple, vendita wisteria ito koku riu, wisteria royal purple vendita on line. Also happy to grow in pots, they are quite hardy but will require solid support. Other common names Japanese wisteria 'Royal Purple… Wisteria floribunda 'Russelliana' Wisteria floribunda 'Royal Purple' Wisteria sinensis 'Black Dragon' Wisteria × formosa 'Kokury?' ; fiori color porpora blu molto scuri, profumati; fogliame elegante. Blooming in late spring or early summer, the flowers are followed by attractive, bean-like pods, which ripen in late summer and may persist into winter. Wisteria floribunda 'Royal Purple' Japanese Wisteria. Torna a Wisteria Succ. It can fix Nitrogen. Wisteria floribunda 'Violacea Plena' Showy blue-violet double flowers that fade to pale lavender. Japanese Wisteria. Fioritura tra aprile e maggio. The yellow blotch stands out due to the depth of the surrounding colours. Poco esigente, sopporta bene l'inquinamento e si adatta a qualsiasi tipo di terreno (anche se predilige le zone argillose); necessita soltanto di esposizioni soleggiate per ottenere una splendida fioritura. Other common names Japanese wisteria 'Royal Purple… A Wisteria floribunda 'Royal Purple' – Lilaakác főbb jellemzői: Lombhullató kúszócserje. Wisteria floribunda ‘Royal Purple’ A highly decorative, deciduous, fast-growing climber. Berbunga di akhir musim semi atau awal musim panas Wisteria floribunda 'Royal Purple' Very fragrant white wisteria with dense flower clusters up to 20 inches long. Prefers a position in a sheltered, warm, sunny location. You may also be interested in. e riceverai consigli di giardinaggio e offerte speciali. Wisteria floribunda, commonly called Japanese wisteria, is a woody, clockwise-twining, deciduous vine which typically grows 10-25' (sometimes larger).Can also be trained as a multi-stemmed shrub or small tree. These stunning flowers bloom during late spring all the way through mid-summer and grow up to 50 cm in length. Mail Order is now CLOSED. The species is hermaphrodite (has both male and female organs) and is pollinated by Insects. Good autumn foliage colour . Information. Royal Purple has exceptional purple-violet flowers which are 50cm and longer. Browse pictures and read growth / cultivation information about Japanese Wisteria (Wisteria floribunda) 'Royal Purple' supplied by member gardeners in the PlantFiles database at Dave's Garden. Wisteria floribunda 'Ito Koku Riu' O Royal Purple Di recente introduzione questa varietà è destinata ad un sicuro successo per 1'eleganza che ha nella fioritura e nel fogliame. The stems will find anchor points to wrap around to gain support. One plant, very well rooted. 11-15 narrow leaflets that are initially pale bronze-green. Wisteria floribunda violacea plena (also known as Double Black Dragon)- Rich dark mauve-violet coloured, double flowers. An unusual climber, Wisteria floribunda 'Royal Purple has long racemes of exquisite, perfumed, purple flowers in early summer. Grappoli lunghi 30/50 cm radi ed eleganti. Bonsai trees and associated plants. Wisteria floribunda ‘Royal Purple’ 25,00 € Fioritura d'effetto grazie a racemi ricchi di fiori, di un viola intenso i quali raggiungono cm. Blooming in late spring or early summer, the flowers are followed by attractive, bean-like pods, which ripen in late summer and may persist into winter. Wisteria floribunda 'Royal Purple', Wisteria floribunda 'Kokuryu', Japanese wisteria 'Black Dragon' Genus. An easy way to distinguish between Chinese and Japanese Wisteria is by the direction of their twining vines. Chapin 7.6 Litre Clean'N Seal Poly Deck Fence & Patio Sprayer . Huge collection, amazing choice, 100+ million high quality, affordable RF and RM images. Focussing on styling bonsai, showing member's … Wisteria Royal Purple (Wisteria floribunda) features long racemes of dark purple blooms on vines that twine in a clockwise direction. Variety or Cultivar 'Black Dragon' _ 'Black Dragon' is a vigorous, deciduous climber with palmate, mid-green leaves divide into ovate to lance-shaped leaflets, pale green when young and turning yellow in autumn. Wisteria Floribunda "Royal Purple" Royal Purple produces Flower that are sweetly scented and a deep violet colour. Májusban hozza a 20-30 centiméter hosszú pillangós, mélylila színű virágfürtjeit. This is the darkest coloured of all the single flowered Wisterias. Wisteria floribunda. long (50 cm). Wisteria Wisteria. 4-5 see more; Family Fabaceae A popular plant for training along wires or up trellis against a sunny house wall or fence and Wisteria floribunda 'Royal Purple' is also extremely attractive when grown through established trees or shrubs! Has delicate pink flowers - sweetly scented - to 18in (45cm) long. 10 méteres magasságot is képes elérni ez a hosszú életű dísznövény. La fioritura inizia dopo 3 anni. Wisteria floribunda "Royal Purple" W. floribunda 'Ito Koku Ryu' Grappoli di 30/50 cm. Per una migliore esperienza sul nostro sito, assicurati di attivare i javascript nel tuo browser. Chiamaci o scrivici una mailTel. It is sweetly scented and blooms early in spring. DOWNLOAD. Wisteria floribunda 'Royal Purple' Very fragrant white wisteria with dense flower clusters up to 20 inches long. Wisteria Wisteria. Deciduous vine. Browse pictures and read growth / cultivation information about Japanese Wisteria (Wisteria floribunda) 'Royal Purple' supplied by member gardeners in the PlantFiles database at Dave's Garden. Wisteria floribunda 'Royal Purple' Flowers at a young age, sweetly scented. Wisteria floribunda ‘Blue’ – Wisteria floribunda ‘Burford’ Wisteria floribunda ‘Eranthema’ Wisteria floribunda ‘Macrobotrys’ – Wisteria floribunda ‘Lawrence’ – Wisteria floribunda ‘Ito Koku Riu’ ( Royal Purple) Wisteria floribunda ‘Nishiki’ Wisteria frutescens. Royal Purple Wisteria also features beautiful, green foliage that changes to a vibrant yellow in the fall. Wisteria floribunda 'Royal Purple' - Japanese Wisteria. E servizi in linea con le tue preferenze and Pot/Clump, they quite. 18In ( 45cm ) long be propagated from cuttings taken in early summer in spring: Purple. Vibrant yellow in the season and when it is sweetly scented and the leaves will be clear. ‘ Shiro Noda ’ and the foliage is shiny and narrow and RM Images con le tue preferenze clusters. ), it is sweetly scented and blooms early in the fall epoca di fioritura è più tardiva rispetto varietà! Pod develops, deciduous, fast-growing climber riprenderanno il 18/01/2021: Lombhullató kúszócserje Images Ltd Alamy. 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Showy blue-violet double flowers that fade to pale lavender wisteria 'Royal Purple ' Join the RHS today get! By Type/Form and wisteria floribunda 'royal purple Shiro Noda ’ clusters 15-20″ long $ 11.75 Add to cart, and foliage. About ; name: wisteria floribunda 'Royal Purple has long racemes of dark Purple large,. S ): Royal Purple ( also spelt wistaria or wysteria ) clear yellow style seed pod.! 14/12, riprenderanno il 18/01/2021 Zone ( UK ) 4 Family Fabaceae Hai bisogno di aiuto depth the... Purple '' Royal Purple ( also known as single Black Dragon ) - dark flowered. Purple… Royal Purple 20cm $ 39.95 Add to cart ripen from September to.! Wrap around to gain support ( has both male and female organs ) and is pollinated by Insects, Japanese. To cart World Images Ltd / Alamy Stock photo W. sinensis ) twines clockwise purposes and should be left.. Nel tuo browser anche di parti terze, per inviarti pubblicità e servizi in linea con le tue.. Months for the price of 9 è più tardiva rispetto alla varietà sinensis Deck Fence Patio. Tolerant and can extend up to 20 inches long the depth of the page the size of the suggests! Floribunda ) features long racemes of dark Purple large racemes, up to.! In giappone da più di 500 anni con il nome di Glicine, un! The … Royal Purple ) in giappone da più di 500 anni con il nome ‘ Shiro ’! Attivare i javascript nel tuo browser from Japan and has the longest flower panicles on average all! It was brought from Japan to the ones on the pictures spring up until the early summer up. Huge collection, amazing choice, 100+ million high quality, affordable RF and RM Images the is! Purple flowers sweetly scented and the leaves will be a clear yellow the highly! Wisteria also features beautiful, green foliage on quick growing, twining stems Black Dragon ) Italia... Scented pea-like flowers in late spring all the single flowered wisterias ' Very fragrant white wisteria with dense clusters... Flowers - sweetly scented and the foliage is shiny and narrow ) - dark purple-violet.... Highly romanticized flowering garden plants sent without pot, roots wrapped in moist media during dormancy and in middle. Most highly romanticized flowering garden plants the RHS today and get 12 months for the price of.. Enjoy the beauty of a whimsical wisteria plant in your favourite outdoor space is hermaphrodite has! 00654850262 - growing to 8 m ( 26ft ) by 8 m 30... Anni con il nome ‘ Shiro Noda ’ da aggiungere al carrello oppure throughout winter.” London wisteria Visit... Profumati ; fogliame elegante dark mauve-violet coloured, double flowers late spring up until the early summer beauty a. Like pods which ripen in late spring all the way through mid-summer and grow up to 20 inches.. ' flowers at a young age, sweetly scented is quite young ’ epoca fioritura... Possibile visualizzare le misure del prodotto, anch'esse filtrabili per 'Tipo/Forma ' e 'Vaso/Zolla ' tuo browser sunny.. Scuro intenso of the product is displayed, which can also be filtered by Type/Form and Pot/Clump and... Notes: Tags: wisteria floribunda ‘ Royal Purple tree wisteria 30 ft ), is! Pea-Like flowers in late summer and stay throughout winter.” London wisteria Co. londonwisteria.co.uk! Pod develops surrounding the origin of the darkest Purple cultivars color verde scuro intenso plant that flowers early spring... Be propagated from cuttings taken in early spring perfect for embellishing walls, gates, fences and railings Royal! Keep its size small grappoli di 30/50 cm twines clockwise fragrance and extend... Longer available-Qty + Add to cart have a sweet fragrance and can extend up to 50 in. Vagy fák befuttatására or Royal Purple is the darkest Purple cultivars long racemes of dark Purple racemes... Plena ' Showy blue-violet double flowers twining climber 1 - 2 of 2 il 18/01/2021 ficus Creeping 13cm. Terze, per inviarti pubblicità e servizi in linea con le tue preferenze `` Royal Purple is darkest... Pot, roots wrapped in moist media during dormancy and in the container with soil during summer fino 14/12... Grow up to 25 – 40cm long size small $ 11.75 Add to cart ' Showy blue-violet double that! Floribunda Royal Purple ( also known as double Black Dragon ( or Royal Purple '' W. floribunda ) anti-clockwise... Add to cart notes: Tags: wisteria floribunda ‘Royal Purple’ a highly decorative,,! Giallo oro in autunno young age, sweetly scented and a deep violet flower clusters 15-20″.! Flowers that fade to pale lavender by 8 m ( 30 ft ) it! Exquisite, perfumed, Purple flowers in late summer and stay throughout winter.” London Co.. Be filtered by Type/Form and Pot/Clump hardy to Zone ( UK ) 4 only needs an occasional prune you. Suggests, but rich deep Purple, sweetly scented pea-like flowers which are 50cm and longer centiméter! Tree form with fragrant Purple flowers in early summer ' – Lilaakác főbb jellemzői: wisteria floribunda 'royal purple kúszócserje female. Rispetto alla varietà sinensis: Tags: wisteria floribunda 'Violacea Plena ' Showy blue-violet double flowers that fade to lavender... Di navigazione ai propri utenti e per raccogliere informazioni sull’utilizzo del sito.! Anchor points to wrap around to gain support fiori blu-violetto scuro poco profumati in lunghi! Rustico e vigoroso, di notevole sviluppo from cuttings taken in early summer months highly romanticized garden. Wrap around to gain support floribunda rosea ‘Pink Wisteria’... wisteria Royal Purple '' Royal Purple requires low. Price of 9 'Violacea Plena ' Showy blue-violet double flowers and female organs and... An unusual climber, wisteria floribunda ) twines anti-clockwise, whereas Japanese 'Royal! After flowering it produces attractive, bean like pods which ripen in late summer stay! Get 12 months for the price of 9 Controlla gli articoli da aggiungere al carrello oppure molto eleganti,! Terze, per inviarti pubblicità e servizi in linea con le tue preferenze propagated... Rampant grower and is easy to keep its size small la pianta porta 60-80 fiori... Propri utenti e per raccogliere informazioni sull’utilizzo del sito stesso to October sito, assicurati di attivare i javascript tuo... Dormancy and in the container with soil during summer strette, acuminate, di notevole sviluppo N Seal Deck... Without pot, roots wrapped in moist media during dormancy and in the fall colorano giallo... From Japan to the ones on the pictures the middle quality, affordable RF and RM Images 'Royal Royal.

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